Add a spark

Updated by Mária Magyar

Create a new Spark

To create a new Spark, click on Sparks (1) in the left sidebar and then press the New Spark button (3). Alternatively, you can access the Spark Editor directly on the Welcome Page (see first image). Press the New Spark quick link (2) at the Content Management section.

A dialog will pop up in the middle of the screen, where you have to fill in the basic information about the new spark you want to create.

  1. The title will help you to find the Spark again in the Spark list or if you want to add it to a Topic. For details on how to create a Topic, please click here.
  2. You can add a description, which can help others to see what this Spark is about, for example, if multiple people are working on the same Topic.
  3. The notification text, is what the user will see in the push-notification for this Spark, i.e. this message will pop up for them on the day they get this Spark.
  4. The languages available are English and German. This setting is there to help you to filter content. Of course, if you want to create a Spark in another language, you can still do that and leave the language as English or German.

When you are done filling this out, press the Save button  and it will redirect you to the Spark Editor, where you can start writing the Spark.

Spark Editor

On the top left (1), you see all the information you filled out in the previous dialog. In case you would like to change it, just press the Edit data button to bring back the dialog.

Tags (2) are keywords you can attach to your sparks to find them easier. App users won't see them, because they are only visible in the admin panel. When you start typing in the field, you see a list of existing tags to pick from, just click on the one of your choice to select it. If you want to add a new tag, you can type it in here as well and choose the "Create ..." option in the drop down menu.

To start editing the Spark, you have to press the Add Section button (3).

On the left side, you will see the sections of your Spark (1) and on the right side you can edit the sections (2) or see a preview (3) about what you made, i.e. a preview of what your Spark will look like in the app.


A section is essentially a group of items like messages, images, content pieces, and buttons. Usually a Spark has several sections, which are connected with buttons. When the user gets a Spark they first get all the items from the first section in order. It will continue based on what button the user will press. If you don't add any button to the end of a section, the spark will end at that section. More about buttons here.

  1. You can add as many sections as you want to a Spark with the Add Section button.
  2. Press your left mouse button and hold to reorder your sections. The spark will start at the first section in order.
  3. By clicking on the title of the section, you can change the title. You can name your section however you like, it is not visible for users. Naming sections can support you in structuring your Spark.
  4. You can copy a section and it will duplicate everything in that section to a new one.
  5. When you don't need a section anymore, you can delete it.


In the editor, you can edit your sections, e.g. change the messages, add content, add buttons. In the preview, you can see how your Spark will look like in the app.

  1. Messages are simple text bubbles in the app. This is where the coach communicates with the app user.
  2. You can add links to external websites. Those links will direct the user to the website in their browser, which means, they will leave the app.
  3. With Add Content you can add content pieces to the Spark. If you want to know more about content creation, please click here.
  4. Buttons make the application look like a chat conversation. This is how the user can "answer".
  5. Next Spark buttons are great if you want to let the user get multiple sparks a day. This way they can choose if they want more sparks from the same topic, or if they want a spark from any topic what is available for them. This button opens a new Spark for the user, so it should only appear in the last section your user reads. Don't put other buttons in the last section, if you use Next Spark buttons.

You can make the message bubbles more interesting if you add emojis to them with the button next to the text editor. Also as an extra, you can add the user's first name into the text, so they can feel the message is really for them. The app will use the information, which the user entered as their first name when they registered for the app. You can also add {{firstname}} to the notification text, which you can edit on top of the screen.

Add Content

With the Add Item button, you can add contents to your spark. First press the button (1), then select the "Select from Library" option. Choose all the contents you would like to add (2) and press the save button (3).

The content pieces you selected are now part of your Spark. You will see them in the Spark editor in the relevant section. When you hover over one of them, you can click on the Edit button (4), this will redirect you to the content, so you can edit it. (Read more about content editing here.) When you are done with editing, you can go directly back to the Spark by pressing the "Back to spark..." on the top of the screen.


Buttons connect the sections. This is how the users can answer and what makes the Spark feel like a conversation. It allows you to make the Spark adjustable to the needs of your user. For example, if someone clicks on a button saying "Yes", you can lead them to another section than a user who would click on the button "No".

You have to link every button to another section than the section they are included. This is how you can forward them to the next section.Several buttons can lead to the same section or each one to a different section, whatever you need.

When the user presses one of the button choices, the app will start to show the section what is connected to that button. You can see how this works in the Spark by pressing the "preview" button after you create something, or you can read more about the application here.

Next spark buttons

Next spark buttons are a bit different from normal buttons. With those, the user can choose if they would like to get more Sparks for that day. In default a user gets only one Spark per day. Next spark buttons are therefore optional. If you put them in, the first button will give the user the next Spark from the same topic, the second one will give them a Spark from any topic that is available for the user. You can change the text for these buttons too, but please consider that the user has to understand what consequence pressing those buttons has. You should use these only at the end of a spark.


The Spark editor saves the Spark automatically after modifications, but the changes will only show up in the app after you press the Publish spark (1) button in the top right corner. To be able to publish the Spark, you have to fix all the warnings (2).

After you successfully published the first version of your spark, you can click on "All changes saved." next to the title (3), and you will see your first version.

When you start to modify your Spark again, you will have two versions. The Published version and the Current version what has the modifications. Every new modification will be saved automatically into this Current version until you publish the Spark again.

When you publish the Spark again, the Current version will become the new Published version.

If you modify something, but you don't like it, you can restore any previously published version. Just select the version you want to restore and press restore.

If you have any further question, please write to us at

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