Tell me more about the Discovery!

Updated by Jenny

The Discovery is your first step within the Leadership Journey. It has four core objectives:

  • To step into the mindset that allows you to get the most out of the Journey
  • To understand the impact you would like to have in your different roles: As Leader, professional, partner, parent... 
  • To define the development areas you want to focus on in order for you to reach your goals
  • To make a specific plan what you will do/learn in the next few months

The Steps

  • You start with a self-assessment: The Leadership Compass Questionnaire allows you to create a mental image of all the areas that play a role for your leadership development and start to reflect on where you excel and what you might need to take a look at.
  • In the first 3-hour workshop, we make you look: What is it that you want? What is it that you need? What does leadership mean for you? Are you showing up in the right mindset?
  • In the two weeks that follow, the Intao app sends you a daily reflexion to dig deeper. At the end of the two weeks you will have defined your mission and goals in all important roles and will have chosen the areas  you want to focus on.
  • In the second workshop (90 minutes), you will go specific: You will define goals and pick the learning formats you want to attend.

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