How do I log into the admin panel?

Updated by Jenny

Accessing the admin panel is essential for managing your account and accessing various functions. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the simple steps to log in to the admin panel of Intao.

Open your web browser and type in the URL: This will take you to the login page specifically designed for accessing the admin panel.

Step 1: Enter Your Email

On the login page, locate the first textbox labeled "Email" and enter the email address associated with your Intao admin account. Ensure that you enter the correct email to proceed further.

Step 2: Enter Your Password

In the second textbox provided, enter the password you created during the registration process. Remember to input your password accurately, paying attention to capitalization and any special characters if applicable.

Step 3: Click the "Login" Button

Once you have entered your email and password, double-check to ensure accuracy. Then, click on the "Login" button to proceed with the authentication process.

Congratulations! You're now Logged in

Upon successful authentication, you will be redirected to the admin panel dashboard, where you can access and manage your topics, sparks and content pieces with your Intao account.

Logging into the admin panel of Intao is a straightforward process, requiring only your registered email address and password. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can quickly access the admin panel and begin managing your account effectively. If you encounter any issues during the login process, ensure that you have entered the correct credentials and contact Intao support for further assistance.

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