Change App Language

Updated by Jenny

The Intao App is available in German and English.

The language of the Intao App is linked to the language of your smart phone. If you change the language in your settings of your smart phone to German, the language in the app will change to German too. For every other language selected in your settings the Intao App will be displayed in English.

How to change the language on your iPhone:

Click the link to find more information on how to change the language for your iPhone.

How to change the language on Android:

  1. Open the Settings app on your Android device.
  2. Tap "System".
  3. Tap "Languages & Input".
  4. Tap "Languages".
  5. Tap "Add a Language".
  6. Select your preferred language from the list by tapping on it. If prompted, select the region for your chosen language.
  7. Press firmly on the two horizontal lines to the right of your preferred language and drag it up to the first spot.
  8. You should automatically see the default language of your phone change. If not, restart your device.

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