How do I reset my password?

Updated by Jenny

Forgetting your password can be a common occurrence, but fear not – resetting it on Intao is a straightforward process. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the simple steps to reset your password and regain access to your account.

Go to the Login Page

Navigate to the Intao Admin Panel Login Page by entering the following URL in your browser: Once you're on the login page, proceed to the next step.

Click on "Reset Password"

Look for the "Reset Password" option on the login page and click on it. This will initiate the process of resetting your password.

Enter Your Email and Click "Recover Password"

On the password reset page, enter the email associated with your Intao Admin Panel Account. After entering your email, click on the "Recover Password" button.

Check Your Inbox

Wait for a few moments and check your email inbox. You should receive an email from "Intao" containing instructions on how to reset your password. If you can#t find the email in your inbox, please check your Spam Folder.

Click the "Recover Password" Button in the Email

Open the email from Intao and click on the "Recover Password" button. This will redirect you to a website where you can proceed with the password recovery process.

Enter Your New Password

On the password recovery website, enter your new password in the first text box. Repeat the new password in the second text box for confirmation. Ensure that your new password meets the criteria – it should have at least eight characters and include at least one number. Click on the "Change" button to confirm the password change.

Congratulations! Your password has been successfully changed. You can now go back to the Intao Login Page, enter your email, and use the new password to log in to your account.

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