Updated by Mária Magyar

Required Android and IOS version.

We only support devices and systems, that are still supported by Apple or Google. This means if you are using a system that is no longer supported by Google or Apple, we cannot guarantee that our app will work properly on your phone.

For Apple devices, this means we support iPhone SE or newer phones. For the full supported device list, go here.

For Android devices, this means we support device that has Android 8 or higher. For further information, to see how you can update your phone, please go here.

The video doesn't play properly on my Android.

It can happen that your device is no longer supported by your operating system. Please check it here.

If your system and device are still supported, please contact us at support@inato.app.

The video doesn't have audio on IOS.

The mute button mutes the videos on iPhones. On the left side of your phone above the volume buttons, you will find a switch. It should be in a position where you don't see a red line in order to have audio on the video.

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