Reset your password

Updated by Mária Magyar

In order to reset your password, you have to be on the Login screen.

If you are logged in and you know your current password, but you would like to change it, you can get help here on how to do that.

If you are logged in and you don't know your current password, you have to log out first to get on the Login screen. To find the Logout option, you can get help here.

Log in screen:

When you are on the Login screen you will see an option "Forgotten password?" (1). Tap it, and it will take you to the password reset screen.

1. First step:

Here you have to enter your email address (1) and then press "Continue" (2). If you came here accidentally or you changed your mind, you can go back to the previous screen by pressing "Back to the login form" (3).

At this point, we will send you an email with a verification code and you will see the next screen in the app.

2. Second step:

In the email, you will see the code (1), that you have to put in the application verification code field (2) and press "Continue" (3). If you haven't got the email with the code, you can resend it (4).

Please make sure to check your spam folder, if you don't receive the email.

3. Third step:

Now you can enter your new password:

Write your new password in the first field and repeat it in the second one (1). You have to choose a password with at least 8 characters, and it has to contain at least one uppercase letter, at least one lowercase letter and at least one number. If you are satisfied with your password choice press "Save" (2).

4. Last step:

You can now log in with your new password! Enter your email address (1), your new password (2) and press "Log in" (3).

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